Saturday, March 03, 2007

What does a mom have to do?

Since I am clearly not doing it

I gave up my career for my family.. my kids needed my time and effort. I gave it.

Money was tight? I managed it. I paid off debt faster than we did when I was working... I made the effort.

I have had issues dealing with Asha going through puberty. I assumed that so many of the difficulties that we were having were her were hormonally driven.

Now I am not so sure.

Asha took a handful of aspirin Thursday night. Why? she can't or won't tell us. She is medically fine but mentally? Well that is to be seen. I just know that this has nothing to do with me. I have done nothing to fuck this kid up this much.

So until I can get her into treatment. I have locked up the knives, hidden the meds and follow her everywhere... even the bathroom.

She is feeling better. She is pissed off at me again. Telling me how I am destroying her life by keeping her safe from herself.

can someone explain this to me?

I did everthing everyone said that I should. I am involved at school, she is involved in activities. We care. How did we get a child who behaves suicidally, even if she claims that she isn't?


me said...

There are so many reasons why a teen who appears 'normal' might try that. I was one. Turns out my brain chemistry is a bit out of whack. Not to mention HS was sucky. (I mean, who actually liked HS?)

Good luck.
The best thing my parents did was to be there and assure me that they believed in me and my ability to get through the bad times.

(Don't mean to be short, but this is a tough topic for me to get into again).

Poppy said...

The challenges of being a kid are even harder than they were when we were kids. We can do everything right and the pressures a child feels from society are just to overwhelming for them to handle. She needs an outlet. She chose aspirin. She wants your help, or else she would have succeeded already.