Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday Searching...

I am exhausted this weekend.. too many times running back and forth to volleyball games and church... Yes, I know. it may seem surprise but I am a a good catholic mother (good being relative, I suspect) who often takes her children to mass. In fact, often these days I am dragged to mass by the children. Particularly my younger... she sings in the children's choir and serves at the altar. She reminds me of a simpler day, when I used to believe in hope and faith. These days... I have trouble remembering, let alone believing...

So today, I cheat at blogging and present you with the search terms people used to find me this week.

candy preteen
lushlyme (aww, someone out there likes me!)
Perfect Phallus (looking for Mrs. Candy instead of me)
preteen sex
lushly alive (now I am blushing)

Wow, it apears that most people looking for me, found me on purpose! That is cool... I guess that while i may not be popular here in my own home, there are people out in the blogosphere who like me.


Blissfully Wed said...

We like ya! ;)

LushlyMe said...

awww, thanks guys! I am blushing!