Wednesday, January 17, 2007

HNT-46 Naked Depression

And another argument with PK...

So many topics to choose from... Tonights option? Asha's report card. Why? Well, she is a smart talented girl, who puts no effort into anything in life. So long as she is popular and pretty she will make no effort...

PK can't bear to see her sad... which is pretty much the problem. He never learned to distinguish sad from willful.

After being criticized by the brat and her father-protector (Any wonder she calls me a whore on a regular basis) and getting her selfish butt into bed, I have indulged in a cocktail....


Semi-Celibate Man said...

A cocktail sounds pretty good right now. HHNT

Fermus said...

Slam it hon! HHNT!

Blissfully Wed said...

Thanks for the nice comment. Good luck with it all. HHNT!

JeannieGrrl said...

Ugh. One of mine is going that way and though I love her - I feel like throttling her too at times. HHNT anyway hun - I hope the drink helped relax you a bit :)

Anonymous said...

Hope things get better

S said...

Oh man, I have a daughter too....can be scary.

HHNT and take care, sweetie!

The Lily said...

Seriously. I'm with chelle. I am not a proponent of violence but in this case your daughter needs to learn a little respect.

And why isn't PK defending you? I know your life (please forgive me) but I can't stand to see a lack of respect in kids. I'm sorry, lady.

Deb said...

I gotta say, the most creative HNT I have ever seen! A cocktail is always a great idea to relieve any stress. I hope PK can get past the superficial acceptance and realize she can do absolutely anything if she is willing to put in the effort.

jillie said...

Nothing better than a nice drink to help melt the stress away. Hang in there girl! ;o)

Atlanta Guy said...

Drink one for me! Happy HNT!

Regal said...

Bottoms up! HHNT!

SIMPLY ME said...

Ive been there too, CHEERS!

LadyXandria said...

Though I'm no parent, I always feel like adults need to present a united front towards their children. Even if they disagree about things, they should discuss them together... away from the kids. It sucks that PK isn't supporting you in this. And I don't mean to be rude, but you definitely need to lay the smack down on her if she's calling you a whore. Its one thing to want to be popular and pretty and not do well in school but disrespecting you that way is just not acceptable. Keep your head up girl. HHNT!

Cosima said...

That sounds like a nasty day...

Hope that things work out your way.