Tuesday, May 24, 2005



Find out what it means to me!

Or maybe what I don't this is respectful. Case in point, older child was not going to sleep. Her computer was on and she had a DVD playing... It was 10:30 pm. I went in to her room, turned off the computer, turned off her light (left her night light on) and returned to my room. That solves the problem, right?

Or maybe it creates an entirely new one. See, older child likes to sleep with the light on. Turning off the main light was punitive on my part, and frankly, it was meant to be... It said, "You have pushed too far. There are limits. Here is the line".

She came into our room to complain. I gave my standard, "Tough luck, hopefully you learned a lesson," response. But that was when she got the real lesson. Hubby, irritated by the stalemate pointed out to the older child that all she really needed to do was "appear" to comply. After all, I would probably be asleep in 10 minutes anyway. Then she could proceed to do as she pleased.

In my book, I call that undermining me. Apparently, he was pointing it what she would already know since she is a "smart" girl... Getting smarter too. Now she clearly understands there is no reason to respect me. Even Daddy doesn't.

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