Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Talked to Mom to get an idea of what is going on over the weekend... Dad is off Monday, so that is the day for the family get together. As she asked, how things were which started me on a diatribe of how things suck lately. When I told her about Kevin's comments last night you could practically hear the cringe. Yup... she agrees that was completely unacceptable.

She thinks that I should go back to work to at least get some respect there. But that just creates more problems for me. since my working has always been viewed as my silly hobby... something that can be dropped whenever someone else in the family wants something from me. She remembers feeling much better about life when she got back to work. Of course, she has forgotten that she could rely on me to help out around the house. And of course, I don't have that.

My kids have learned from their father that I can and should be worked around. They have learned if they don't get what they want, it is because of me. Daddy was willing to give them whatever they wanted. But now he just has to back me up our of... well I would say loyalty but since he has really gone our of his way to let them know who is responsible for them not getting their way, that doesn't really seem appropriate.

She assures me that this is all normal and the way of all marriages and parenting arrangements. And it probably is the way we have had to deal with things. But why should we enjoy this or even want to do things this way.

Her concern is that I am in some sort of victim mode. But the truth is, I haven't yet figured out how to deal with it.

I will.

The question is how others will react to it.

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