Saturday, September 27, 2008

The blind leading the blind

The Porn King has only two close friends. One is his best friend from high school who is also coincidently Asha's godfather. The other is his best friend from college.

Now, BFFC was married almost two years ago. He married a single, never married mom who at one time was a close friend of mine. Hence the reason that I introduced them. Well, I guess that wasn't the only reason.... Once BFFC kissed me too.. but that is a story for another day. Shortly after the love connection was made, the new girlfriend turned on me and went fucking whacko. I immediately realized the enormity of my mistake. Unfortunately BFFC did not and went on to marry the turd.

That however is water under the bridge.

Except for now BFFC is experiencing marital discord. shocking! Oh and did I mention that the new wife brings a very highly strung and overly intelligent/sensitive teenage daughter? I guess I just alluded to it... Just for extra fun.

So now BFFC is in town tonight seeking marital advice from the Porn King.

No, really. That wasn't a joke.

Yes, I see the irony in this too.


Poppy said...

Sometimes people are telling other people how to live their lives than living their own.

I have absolutely no faith that is the case here.

Richard said...

"the blind leading the blind" is an understatement.
He can probably get better advice if he picked a stranger at a street corner.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard that I fell off my chair. What a fucking joke, here's a buck tell the both of them to get a clue! Maybe they'll both find themselves divorced soon and they can be roommates, we can only hope and pray. I'd find it more ironic if I didn't know first hand how much you were suffering...I miss you