Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blatant disregard

It is a familiar refrain about my house,

"Daddy come here!"

Inevitably it involves one of my daughters calling her father to a distant part of the house. One where I can't hear the conversation. Five minutes later a girl flounces out of the house with a smirk to me, her purse and no doubt a fresh crisp $20 in her wallet.

Does it matter that I asked her to do a chore that she didn't do?

Heavens no. Daddy said it was ok.

Well, fuck him.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

Can't you, as their parent, snatch that purse away and TAKE the $20, and say "thanks!" and walk away?

Yes, yes you can.

Because YOU do the work. They deserve the lesson, you deserve the compensation.

Oh, look at me, telling you how to parent. I'm sorry. My mom would have never let me get away with this shit, so it makes me mad that your girls even try.