Thursday, July 03, 2008


My whole day has been half nekkid as I wrapped myself in a sarong this morning and never went upstairs to change.

So saronged I remain.


An Artist Exposed said...

Such a fantastic picture - I love your skin contrasting with the sarong. A tantalising glimpse.

Dee said...

Sarongs are fantastic, aren't they? I have a bunch of them, and pretty much live in them when I'm at home over the summer.

xx Dee

Lapis Ruber said...

I'm a bit late for HNT but can wish you Happy Fourth anyway!

Anonymous said...

Excellent pic!
A half nakked day is a good day indeed.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with that. I spent yesterday in my underwear! I want your bathroom hardware as well. I like that style.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful picture! I love your sink and mirror, too. Just gorgeous and classic.

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

And if that's sarong, I don't want you to be right.

*Ducks* Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)

Happy HNT!