Thursday, July 17, 2008


Oh, I know this is late, but there was no help for it.

Trying to get computer technology to work consistently out here is a nightmare. And my FIL's 12 CPU isn't really helping.

I was asked to do something special for my 100th HNT. I hope this qualifies....


Osbasso said...

I do believe yer nekkid in that pool! Congrats on #100!!

Baby said...

What a lovely 100th HNT!!!! I could just imagine how wonderful and refreshing that must have been skinny dipping in that wonderful pool - very nice :) HHNT!

LushlyMe said...

it WAS wonderful, Baby... and Os, yes I am.. but I figured the camera was far enough away to keep it from rating a NSFW

Lavender Fields said...

what happened to the swimsuit!!!!!
Shock and Horror!!!!!!
Great vid,congrats on your 100th HNT post.Hope to see another 100.

Vixen said...

That was so cool to watch! :)

Congrats on the 100th and happyHNT!!!

Dee said...

That was lovely - I feel considerably less wintery after seeing that (and jiggling to the music)! Congrats on 100 HNTS :)

xx Dee

Anonymous said...

That was great! :D

Happy one hundredth half nekkid thursday!!!

Lapis Ruber said...

Happy HNT and Happy centenary :-)

An Artist Exposed said...

Your 100th HNT - in the guise of a luscious water nymph. Lovely!