Thursday, November 30, 2006


I have been very remiss in my HNT posts for the last couple of weeks... mostly because I have be hacking my lungs out for the last couple of weeks. I suspected that these would not be attractive shots and therefor avoided them...

Today, I decided to further my hair issue by offering a look at the locks as they are. The problem that I am having is that my hair looks beautiful in this shot (which btw was taken by my talented 10 year old... on another day, I will show some of her beautiful self portraits... they are taking my breath away and are completely age appropriate)

Anyway.. please tell me what to do with this freaking hair.. I have to chose something soon.


Suze said...

Lushly, you have gorgeous glossy locks and the colour is exquisite.

Happy HNT sweetie ;)

Anonymous said...

omigoddess leave the hair alone!!!!

My approach: Fluffy bangs. I found a stylist who knows how to use a hair razor. I also get a steep angle cut (also razored sometimes) in the front to give me "lift" because at my age I don't need 1970's Cher Hair dragging my face down.

BTExpress said...

You do have beautiful hair, but must be a pain to take care of. I vote for the bottom picture in the last post.