Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Can you buy a burka in Chicago?

Burka Woman
Susan Williams
Available at PicassoMio

I woke up the other morning to find that my sitemeter was spinning with all the hits that were coming to my site. This was kinda of bizarre as I have generally perceived myself as the writer of the least popular blog on the web. So naturally, I had to check out what was causing all the excitement.

It turns out someone had picked up my blog. And I was getting the excess traffic as a result.

The traffic was coming from two separate sources.

One was from something called the Beauty Bash Forum or the Original Beauty Bash Forum. I don’t understand what the heck is going on there but the first page is full of complaints and explanations and frankly, I don’t really care what the deal is.

As the name would suggest, I was posted on the site to be bashed. And I was. I am hideously fat and should know better than to think that I should be allowed the same rights as everyone else. Simply by virtue of my appearance.

My blog got posted there by someone who claims to have been reading me here for a while. Someone so horrified by my fatness, ugliness and stupidity that they kept coming back. Oh and researched me enough to link this blog to my family blog. Which means that they had to really search because they weren’t linked. At. All. Until I noticed that the beauty minions were visiting my other site and looking at my children.

And that is where I get angry. Because this git has posted pictures of my children claiming that I play fast and loose with their identities. Even though I use pseudonyms on both blogs. It seems to me that the only one being reckless with my children was this person. Who naturally remains anonymous. As do all the people who commented about me.

The next set of links came from some group called mywomancave on yuku.com. I went to Yuku to explore the group. Naturally it is a closed group that you must be approved to join. Surprisingly enough, my membership has yet to be approved.

So. I guess I am left with the conclusion that someone out there dislikes me. And the person is probably someone that I know.

Frankly, these anonymous stealth attacks are cowardly and I am disgusted that anyone would go to such an effort to hurt me.

So, Thanks!

I guess I will be buying my burka to protect you from having to see my hideousness. Or you could stop visiting my blog. And leave my kids the fuck alone.


Dee said...

Oh, that is appalling - I am really sorry to hear about this, especially conflating your two (anon) profiles and dragging your kids into it. Unfair!

xx Dee

Anonymous said...

People like that really piss me off. It was probably some type of eating disorder group that is so incredibly insecure with their own bodies they feel the need to bash others to feel validated. Regardless, I'm really sorry you had to go through that. Not right at all.

Anonymous said...

Good lord that's insane. Just know that that person is probably a loser who needed to do that to feel better about themselves. How very sad, right?

I have had people bash me over things I've posted on my blog as well even going so far as to say I'm f'ing up my children. Um, wtf I said? I think I'm awesome. LOL

Don't let anyone make you feel less than. They are the ones with the issues. :)

Anonymous said...

I know all too well what you're going through. Except I know who is doing it and why they are doing it. Still, they don't stop...won't stop until (as they said) they see my supposed house of cards topple.

Stay strong/