Monday, July 03, 2006

Sex and the Pre-teen Daughter


How to feel like a vital woman while standing next to your gorgeous, nubile and very young daughter.

I have been trying to find a way to handle it without feeling old and colorless and drab. But, alas that is exactly how I am feeling. I suppose it doesn't hurt that at her stage of puberty she is required to reject every aspect of me. And take emotional pot shots. Apparently, I am funny (not in a ha ha kind of way... more like weird), stupid, embarassing and over all useless. Oh, and I forgot... a lazy, disappointing slob.

I thought life with the PK was sucking me dry emotionally. This is now draining my soul.

Is this my fate? To become a non-entity?


Anonymous said...

Non-entity? No.

I am trying to find some wise words, but I just don't have any. I am sorry, all I know to say is that you are anything but "colorless and drab". I came to your blog to (a) read something interesting, and (b) see a sexy picture. I find your thoughts quite interesting and funny and I find your pictures of your body quite sexy. I touched myself looking at them. I don't masterbate to colorless women.

LushlyMe said...

Thank you baby! I needed that! Kisses

Anonymous said...

Kids especially teenagers can be so cruel. I know having been one some time ago.

You just have to remember that they have hormones surging throughout their bodies and it makes them come out with the most utter crap.

I think I used to tell my mum I hated her every other day but I didn't mean it at all.

Girls are probably worse than boys. She will grow out of it, just put on your tin and hat and ride it out. Good luck.

Sending a *hug* because it sounds like you need one.

Anonymous said...

Only if you let it. You are your own person. PK and your daughter are not you. Become stronger and more confident in yourself, because you are important.

Anonymous said...

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