Monday, January 02, 2006

An Escape

While downtown with the family yesterday, we finally managed to get out for a walk. And by managed, I mean that they finally opened the streets around our hotel. Ahhh falling ice... nothing like the chance of random death falling upon you from above to take some of the fun out of the holiday season.

As we were walking, my two sweet daughters started in on me about all the things that I don't do for them and why I am so cruel when I snapped. The porn king was walking with us too so I just turned the corner and walked away. I needed a couple of non complaint filled minutes.

So I wandered. In the cold and rain until I got to Watertower Place. I had been by it a couple of days before... but frankly, my head would have exploded being in there. There had just been too many people. Yesterday was different. It was manageable. As I walked by the front windows of the Marshall Field's I saw something in the window that caught my eye. Apparently, Field's is home to one of the Lush boutiques!

Now how can I walk away from a sign like that? So in I walked in (soon unfortunately to be another Macy's due to the Macification of America) and bought myself some pretty, sweet smelling treats.

Now, of course, I am home. The children are still screaming. The porn king is still over-reacting and acting more childish then they are and I am considering drowning my sorrows in a tub of hot water and a bath bomb. Chelsea Gardens anyone?

How I wish I could lay there quietly soaking in silence. My hands roaming over my wet body arousing myself until I explode... or maybe being joined by a lover who slides into the water with me....

But not today.

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