Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, it has been a week of pretending to be Ernest Borgnine, getting ready for girls to go back to school and neighbor crap but I have managed to take some time for me. And by that, I mean, I have come to realize that while I must exercise, I loathe virtually anything that grownups do.. I don't like to run, or do aerobics or taking spinning classes. But I DO like to swim.

Surprisingly enough I swim a good distance. Over the summer, when I was out east, I was swimming a mile or so a day. No, I am not making that up. I really can. And today... after the girls left for school, I left for the pool at the YMCA. As I swam my laps, I kept smiling. even giggling.. I felt free.

And to fit my new discipline, I got a swimmer's suit... I haven't worn a Speed since I was in highschool... but I like the way the racing stripes look on me.


Vixen said...

HappyHNT :)

sub essence said...

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Happy HNT stripes! ;)

Ashly Star said...

I love swimming. It is one of my favorite things to do. I always feel as if everything is wonderful when I'm working my way through the water. It's so nice. Happy HNT!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

As one who can't, I envy those who can swim.

Love the colors in the suit, by the way. Happy HNT!