Monday, June 11, 2007

I wasn't anticipating this conversation

The one when I have to ask my 12 year old daughter why there is a balled up condom in the living room.

Yeah... I was thinking that was a conversation for another day, another month... really another year.

But there I was having the conversation. Wow, that was a fun one too.

Me: Asha, can you explain why I found this condom on the living room floor?

Asha: Lizzie was forgot to through it out.

Me: Yes, but why was the condom there in the first place?

Asha: It was a joke.

Me: A joke on who?

Asha: A joke on Drina... We thought it would be funny to give it to her for a birthday present.

Me: Did it ever occur to you that this might be a bad idea?

Asha: Not really...Plus, it was Lizzie's idea.

Me: It never occurred to you to say, "Whoa, Lizzie... My mom sees that and she is going to shit a brick"

PK: Well we are glad that you aren't afraid to buy condoms... remember it is better to use one than not use one.

The next day, I was driving around Asha and her friend Frieda, who had also been at the house when the condom was being played with. I asked Frieda if her mother knew about the condom play. "No and it would be best if she didn't" was the reply I got.

Fair enough. But I told the girls, if the ever wanted to do anything with a condom other than use it as a balloon, I wanted them to promise me that they would talk to a grown up... presumably one that they could trust. And promise they did.

So that is where I am. Afraid that at some point in the near future that the condom will no longer be a joke but an actual need for my daughter. Hopefully, I have maintained the lines of communication well enough that when that time comes she will come to me for advice.

For now, I wait and worry

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you did very well :), I'm often glad the kids, or anyone for that matter can't see the speech bubble over my head...