Thursday, June 28, 2007


When most people look straight down they see their feet (I think).

This is my view.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Summer Idyll

The most perfect way to spend a summer day is naked.

Naked in bed, in the arms of your lover, enjoying the rising heat and soft breezes lull you to your own world. Nothing exists there but soft whispers, impassioned cries and the promise of peace.

I wish I could live like that everyday.

Don't you?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


This is what I can show you of the great cicada invasion of 2007.

This is my one and only cicada.

Oh, he is ugly.

and big

and on my freaking back door (did I mention that I hate bugs?)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Summer breeze

This image makes me think of a breezy summer day, lying naked on a soft blanket and making love all afternoon long...

What does it say to you?

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Well, we are finally settling into a kind of domesticity here now that the big move is over...

Today I was off to the farmers market today... Can you tell what was in season?

Monday, June 11, 2007

I wasn't anticipating this conversation

The one when I have to ask my 12 year old daughter why there is a balled up condom in the living room.

Yeah... I was thinking that was a conversation for another day, another month... really another year.

But there I was having the conversation. Wow, that was a fun one too.

Me: Asha, can you explain why I found this condom on the living room floor?

Asha: Lizzie was forgot to through it out.

Me: Yes, but why was the condom there in the first place?

Asha: It was a joke.

Me: A joke on who?

Asha: A joke on Drina... We thought it would be funny to give it to her for a birthday present.

Me: Did it ever occur to you that this might be a bad idea?

Asha: Not really...Plus, it was Lizzie's idea.

Me: It never occurred to you to say, "Whoa, Lizzie... My mom sees that and she is going to shit a brick"

PK: Well we are glad that you aren't afraid to buy condoms... remember it is better to use one than not use one.

The next day, I was driving around Asha and her friend Frieda, who had also been at the house when the condom was being played with. I asked Frieda if her mother knew about the condom play. "No and it would be best if she didn't" was the reply I got.

Fair enough. But I told the girls, if the ever wanted to do anything with a condom other than use it as a balloon, I wanted them to promise me that they would talk to a grown up... presumably one that they could trust. And promise they did.

So that is where I am. Afraid that at some point in the near future that the condom will no longer be a joke but an actual need for my daughter. Hopefully, I have maintained the lines of communication well enough that when that time comes she will come to me for advice.

For now, I wait and worry

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I mentioned that we experienced a death in the family, when really we experienced two...

That first picture was taken a couple of weeks ago as part of HNT.. Barney was fine...old, cranky but basically healthy.

The next one, we took the morning we put him down. You could see his shoulder blades and he couldn't walk... He went downhill so fast that it scares us a bit. The vet said that at the age of 18, there really wasn't anything that could be done. So we held our kitten as the vet pushed the drugs into his veins and we said our goodbyes.

It has been quite a ride the last couple of weeks.. I hope things even out soon. (although I am guessing that having my own bathroom and a cleaning lady will help!)

Hmm, more than I thought.

Yes, I have been absent for a while now.. moving was a pain. Follow that with a death in the family and the end of the school year, well I think you can guess how that has interferred.

In the meantime, I saw this over at blog and thought I would try it out...

Turns out that I rated higher than I thought that I would...

How much are you worth?