Friday, July 20, 2007


This has been an obsession this week.

Sex on the beach.

Ever since I saw this symbol appear on Asha's Facebook page... Yes that is a virtual cocktail sent to my preteen. Oddly enough I had never had one before. And today, I received my opportunity.. at lunch of all places. While eating I played the trivia game that they have in the restaurant... it is called Buzz Time. (ironic, I know)

In between rounds the screen stated that the house would award you a free drink if you could beat their "Champion's" high score.

Which I promptly did.

Naturally, I had to order the elusive sex on the beach.

It was delicious. But I don't know if it was the drink or the sweet taste of victory.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

Sex on the beach is the first drink I ever ordered in Canada (age 18). I loved it ever since. But I never have it. :) I almost ordered one tonight but instead said "make me something yummy" and got a Cape Codder. ...? Not yummy.