Friday, May 05, 2006


Saw this at and Osbasso asked to play... Here are my 10 things that start with N and why...

Negroponte: He was listed as one of the reasons that Porter Goss might have resigned today. I admit that I have been some what obsessed with this as some of the other reasons might have been MUCH more salacious.. i.e. Hookergate.

Newman!: Jerry Seinfeld nemesis... lot of people think that the Porn King looks like him. I don't see it, but then I have known him from a pre-Seinfeld time period.

Naturalism: Something that I like to practice in the privacy of a 10 square foot space of my own back yard. When the kids aren't around to yell, "Mom!! Put your shirt on!" so all the neighbors can hear.

Nana: What my girls call my grandmother, who will be 99 this year.

Nutella: My daughter's favorite filling for crepes... She is of course wrong.. the best thing is butter, sugar and Grand Marnier... but she is only 9, so hopefully she will learn

Netherlands: The last vacation I took with PK.. He was kind of a stick in the mud and wouldn't let me do any of the touristy things because I might get into trouble in the red light district and then got his pocket picked in the hotel bar.... go figure.

Napoli: As in Bill Napoli, state senator from North Dakota who believes that only sodomized religious virgins are deserving of the right to terminate a pregancy on the grounds that they might go insane having already suffered a "fate worse then death"....

NBA: I can stop watching for the season as the Bulls are out of it...

Niagara: The name of the county that I grew up in. Not the biggest city, Niagara Falls, but the County seat, Lockport. Also the name of an escarpment which is a geological formation that forms ridge... The Niagara Escarpment runs the (sparkling waters of ) Genessee River through the county, causes the Falls, through Western Ontario then through the middle of Lake Superior and the Northern part of Lake Michigan to form the back bone of Door County, Wisconsin's peninsula

oh, and I guess this leads me to my last N word...

Nerd: Clearly I am a full blooded one. Hopefully, Os you will forgive me for this as I used to play the trombone too... so I guess I can't be too hopeless.


Anonymous said...

Ooh--a trombone nerd! The best kind!

Anonymous said...

Good list! Although I'm not au fait with some of the references! Sorry you're vacation left you with peely skin and bug-bites!! Belated HHNT!

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