Friday, February 02, 2007

I hate losing track of time...

but I missed HNT this week. In all fairness, I wasn't prepared for it.

In fact, I was consumed with the kids school projects. Lately it has been one major report after another. This is (for the most part) the family tree that Thera put together for her class... I did add some additional foliage to fill in the family names.

In other news, I have been informed that I need to have additional test related to my mammogram. A friend of mine tells me that there is probably no reason to worry.. that they did the same thing when she went for her first mammogram.. but I can't help but worry... While they are reporting no observed calcifications tget apparently observed multiple masses in both breasts. Lets hope that I am just lumpy.


Rita said...

Just found your site. Try not to worry too much about the retest - your friend is right, it IS common.


anna said...

Hope you're just lumpy.