Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Commute - A HNT Special Report

Oh Okay, it is part of my day, as I am a twit who couldn't remember to work on the camera stuff in the mornings... just as well, as it was blindingly bright this morning. Here is where I clued in this morning... I always enjoy the anti-Bush diatribe on the exit ramp... and the Bushie's answer to it...

Looking at the mess the pooch made when I was running this morning (bad doggie!)

Off to school (tough luck doggie!):

Lunch lady duty at school:

Checking on the progress at the homesite (Don't you love the Porta-potty in my backyard?):

Heading back home:

Staying away from the flies and bees:

1 comment:

Osbasso said...

Well done! Hope they get through with the house soon!